
Role: Animation / Branding / Creative Direction
July 2024
GutsMedia is a premier recording studio dedicated to spotlighting dark, underground, and hard-hitting bands. They specialize in discovering artists with a knack for crafting unique soundscapes. Their expertise encompasses sound engineering, recording, editing, mixing, and mastering, catering to both music production and audiovisual post-production needs.
Grid layout of logo variations and branded photos.
GutsMedia logo overlaying a branded photo.GutsMedia logo with photo clipped inside.GutsMedia brand colors.GutsMedia brand fonts.
GutsMedia stickers.GutsMedia posters.GutsMedia business cards layout option v1.GutsMedia business cards layout option v2.GutsMedia branded liquid container.Two color options for GutsMedia branded sweatshirts.One color option for GutsMedia branded sweatshirts.A photo of someone wearing a GutsMedia branded sweatshirt.Tablet website mockup for GutsMedia.A photo of a woman wearing a GutsMedia branded hat.A tablet laying down with the GutsMedia website pulled up.A photo of a man wearing a GutsMedia branded hat.Three examples of the GutsMedia website displayed on mobile.
Mobile device displaying the GutsMedia website.A photo of a big city poster with GutsMedia branding.
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